The foundations for the stadium on which the matches of European Championships will take place in 2012 were laid on Tuesday in Lwow.
This is the second stage of building the stadium. The first one, preparing the terrain for construction, lasted from the beginning of last December.
– Laying the foundations should have taken place on 20th January and we succeeded. I would like to emphasize that the works are held nonstop – said the mayor of Lwow Andrij Sadowy, quoted by local web portals.
The works by foundations will last for four months. The stadium is being built by Ukrainian firm Azovinteks. The cost with the stand for 30 000 spectators is 85 millions Euro.
A stadium in Dniepropietrowsk was put into use last year in terms of Euro 2012. The stadium in Donieck, built from the money of the richest inhabitant of Ukraine – Szachtar owner, Rinata Achmetow – is to be finished in Spring. The Olympic Stadium in Kiev is being modernized. The modernization of the object for 72 000 spectators is planned to be finished in 2010.