During the event Euro 2010 organized by Poland and Ukraine, there will be two separate lanes for the guests – said Ihor Tymofiejew, the deputy head of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.
He also mentioned that the lanes with the symbols of the “Euro 2012” would be on the Poland-Ukraine frontier crossings: Krakowiec-Korczowa, Szeginie-Medic, Rawa Ruska-Hrebenne and Jagodzin-Dorohusk.
Guests of the tournament can also expect the improvement of infrastructure and the overall throughput of the Ukrainian borders.
Before Euro 2012 Ukraine is going to modernize up to 20 frontier crossings. Apart from the points on the Polish border, the crossings with Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Slovakia and Moldova will be modernized, as well.
Ukrainian customs and border services expect that after the ongoing modernization of the border crossing in Jagodzin, which leads to the Polish Dorohusk, its thourghput will increase by 50 percent.