UEFA Michel boss Platini told in intelligences for the log “La Stampa” and “Gazzetta dello Sport”, that final concerning decision of the organization of the Euro 2012 trapdoors on the autumn. It is the next voice already in the referring discussion full of conjectures of taking away of this event from Poland and Ukraine
What truth Platini asked about whether it is current still, that championships in 2012 Poland and Ukraine will be organizing the year, replied that nothing changed. But began after a while to devise visions of autumn inspection of Euro holders. – the Check-up will be 2 and 3 of July, and we will make a decision after her – a(n) UEFA boss underlined. Whether it will be a decision about to take away, bad? for confirming of the organization of championships – didn’t want to tell.
For asking “Gazzetta dello Sport” about chances of Italians for obtaining the right to the organization of championships for four years, Platini abandoned the sentence full of understatements: – we will speak about it after inspection.
Let us resemble that articles which they were suggesting appeared in Italian and French press two days ago that a decision taken up about to take the Euro away from Poland from the reason had remained already deficiencies in preparations for the construction among other things of stadiums.
Championships would have together to organize just France and Italy. Rumour have still appeared earlier that it is Ukraine is “on censored” and Poland will do the Euro together with Germans. A PZPN boss is denying this news for all Listkiewicz Michał and the minister of the sport Mirosław Drzewiecki.
“There is no such strength which would be able to take away from us with the Euro 2012.